Home / Support / Cisco SPA-3 or 5 setup
Modified on October 11, 2021
This guide should work for most of the SPA3X and SPA5XX phones
Please login to the phone on the IP address. To find the IP please follow this guide
Step 1. Press the Paper button on the SPA504G to bring up the Setup menu.
Step 2. Press 3 or scroll down with the navigation keys to option 3 and press Select to bring up the Settings menu.
Step 3. Press 5 or scroll down with the navigation keys to option 5 and press Select to bring up the Network Configuration menu.
Step 4. Press 3 or scroll down with the navigation keys to option 3. This will display the current IP address for the SPA504G Phone.
Step 5. Connect your computer to the Cisco IP Phone using an Ethernet cable.
Step 6. Open up a web browser on your computer and enter the IP address of the phone. This will direct you to the web-based configuration utility.
Please upgrade to the latest firmware. Follow this link to search for your firmware https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/index.html
Once you have logged in please follow this
Please select Admin Login and advanced in the top right corner
These settings are up to you and your network but I recommend you password protect the web interface to stop users messing with settings:
* Enable web server = Yes
* Enable web Admin access = Yes
* Admin passwd: <your admin password here>
* User passwd: <your admin password here>
* Connection Type: DHCP
* Primary DNS:
* Secondary DNS:
* Primary NTP server: nz.pool.ntp.org
Change the following SIP Timer Values:
* Reg Max Expires = 600
* Reg Retry Intvl = 10
* Reg Retry Long Intvl = 20
This should allow the phone to recover from Internet issues more quickly and give MOS info in BYE messages (handy for troubleshooting)
STUN is not strictly needed but there should be no harm in enabling it.
You can leave auto-provisioning enabled if you like. No harm in leaving this turned on for now even if you are going to do manual provisioning.
If you are really keen then you can set the tones to standard NZ tones instead of the defaults. We don’t usually bother and stick with the default tones, but some people prefer to replicate Chorus NZ completely right down to the Dial/Busy Tones etc. It’s up to you. Here are the NZ tones anyway:
* Call Progress Tones
o Dial Tone: 400@-9;30(*/0/1)
o Outside Dial Tone: 420@-16;10(*/0/1)
o Prompt Tone: 520@-19,620@-19;10(*/0/1+2)
o Busy Tone: 400@-9;*(.5/.5/1)
o Reorder Tone: 400@-9;15(.25/.25/1+2)
o Off Hook Warning Tone: 400@-10,680@0;*(.125/.125/1+2)
o Ring Back Tone: 400@-19,450@-19;*(.4/.2/1+2,.4/.2/1+2,2/0/0)
o Confirm Tone: 600@-16;1(.25/.25/1)
o SIT1 Tone: 985@-16,1428@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
o SIT2 Tone: 914@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.274/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
o SIT3 Tone: 914@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.380/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
o SIT4 Tone: 985@-16,1371@-16,1777@-16;20(.380/0/1,.274/0/2,.380/0/3,0/4/0)
o MWI Dial Tone: 400@-19;2(.1/.1/1);28(*/0/1)
o Cfwd Dial Tone: 350@-19,440@-19;2(.2/.2/1+2);10(*/0/1+2)
o Holding Tone: 600@-19;*(.1/.1/1,.1/.1/1,.1/9.5/1)
o Conference Tone: 350@-19;20(.1/.1/1,.1/9.7/1)
o Secure Call Indication Tone: 397@-19,507@-19;15(0/2/0,.2/.1/1,.1/2.1/2)
* Distinctive Ring Patterns
o Cadence 1: 60(.4/.2,.4/2)
o Cadence 2: 60(.3/.2,1/.2,.3/4)
o Cadence 3: 60(.8/.4,.8/4)
o Cadence 4: 60(.4/.2,.3/.2,.8/4)
o Cadence 5: 60(.2/.2,.2/.2,.2/.2,1/4)
o Cadence 6: 60(.2/.4,.2/.4,.2/4)
o Cadence 7: 60(.4/.2,.4/.2,.4/4)
o Cadence 8: 60(0.25/9.75)
* Set Local Time (HH/mm): (Set current hour and minute)
* Time Zone: GMT+12
* Daylight Saving Time Rule: start=4/1/7/3:0:0;end=9/-1/7/2:0:0;save=-1
* DTMF Playback Level: 0
* DTMF Playback Length: .1
* Station Name: <phone number or whatever you want>
* Voice Mail Number: *55
Supplementary Services
If you wish to use Kiwi VoIP’s versions of these features rather than those built into the phone (recommended) then you should turn off the following features
* DND Serv: no
* Block CID Serv: no
* Secure Call Serv: no
* Cfwd all Serv: no
* Cfwd busy Serv: no
* Cfwd No Ans Serv: no
* Line Enable: yes
NAT Settings:
* NAT Mapping Enable: yes
* NAT Keep Alive Enable: yes
Network Settings
* SIP TOS/Diffserv Value: 0x1A (up to your network, this is what Kiwi VoIP use)
* SIP Cos Value: 3 (up to your network, this is what Kiwi VoIP use)
* RTP TOS/DiffServ Value: 0x2E (up to your network, this is what Kiwi VoIP use)
* RTP CoS Value: 6 (up to your network, this is what Kiwi VoIP use)
* Network Jitter Level: very high (this depends on the latency/jitter of your network through to Kiwi VoIP. Very high should be fine, but can be increased/decreased for network conditions)
* Jitter Buffer Adjustment: up and down
SIP Settings
* SIP Port: 5060 (*see troubleshooting below if you are having problems)
Call Feature Settings
* Blind Attn-Xfer Enable: yes
* Message Waiting: yes
* Voice Mail Server: <phone number>@sip.kiwivoip.co.nz (If you are using Kiwi VoIP’s voicemail service, replace phone number as appropriate e.g. 099749000)
Proxy and Registration
* Proxy: sip.kiwivoip.co.nz (*see troubleshooting below if you are having problems)
* Use Outbound Proxy: yes
* Outbound Proxy: sip.kiwivoip.co.nz (*see troubleshooting below if you are having problems)
* Use OB Proxy In Dialog: yes
* Register: yes
* Make Call Without Reg: yes
* Register Expires: 300
* Ans Call Without Reg: yes
* Use DNS SRV: yes
Subscriber Information
* Display Name: <Your Name> (e.g. Jim Blogs)
* User ID: <Your Phone Number> (e.g. 093778647)
* Password: <Your password>
* Use Auth ID: yes
* Auth ID: <Your Phone Number> (e.g. 093778647)
Audio Configuration
* Preferred Codec: G729a (unless you have lots of bandwidth to burn – in which case select G711a)
* Use Pref Codec only: no
* G729a Enable: yes
* DTMF Process AVT: yes
* Silence Supp Enable: no
* DTMF Tx Method: AVT
Dial Plan
* Dial Plan: ([2-9]xxxxxx|0[34679][2-9]xxxxxx|0210xxxxxxx|021[12]xxxxxx|021[3-9]xxxxx|02[0279]xxxxxxx|0204xxxxxxx|0240xxxxxx|024[1-9]xxxxxxx|0282[4-5]xxxxxx|050xxxxxxx|070xxxxxxx|080xxxxxxx|00xxxxxxx.|01[08]|017xx|12[356]|[19]11|*55|*88|023xxxxxxxx|01[1234569]x.|02[56]x.|028[013456789]x.|0282[0123467890]|0282[01236789]|05[1-9]x.|08[1-9]x.|0[34679][0-1]x.|1[03456789]x.|11[023456789]x.|12[0124789]x.|*[012346789]x.|*5[012346789]x.)
* CW Setting: yes
* Block CID Setting: no
Most other settings are up to you and your preferences. We have only highlighted the ones that are important.
If you are having problems connecting to Kiwi VoIP or have problems with calls connecting/dropping or one-way audio then you may have a router/firewall device which is ‘interfering’ with the ‘SIP’ traffic causing problems for your phone You can try and use an alternate port number on Kiwi VoIP to get around this by changing the following settings in your configuration:
* SIP Port: 50600
* Proxy: sip.kiwivoip.co.nz:50600
* Outbound Proxy: sip.kiwivoip.co.nz:50600
This will cause the port number used for SIP traffic on both the phone and out to Kiwi VoIP to be ‘50600′ instead of ‘5060′ which is often enough to resolve the problems with interfering routers.